I call myself a dreamer.
I was in undergrad when I first saw myself this way and recognized my tendency to engage in waking dreams. To me, plain old daydreaming is one part of who I am as a dreamer. The other part is that I'm always getting ideas in my head for ways to help myself or help other folks on the road of life.
It's almost like I have an internal mechanism designed to detect and seize upon anything that will further the goals, potential, or happiness of my fellow man or myself.
It's a good life.
And the icing on the cake is that sometimes - whether for another person or for myself - sometimes I get to play a role in actually making dreams come true.
In fact, living out my own dreams and watching them come true has been so normal that when I think about it, it seems like kind of a strange reality. I have the sense that already I've been blessed to live a life more rich than that of someone twice my age.
And what is interesting to me lately is a growing awareness that living my dream in Central America is opening up a new world of dreams for me to dare for.