Friday, November 25, 2016

The Man Who Has It All

The life I'm living in Honduras is just a continuation of a pattern that goes like this:
I get something in my head that I'd really love to do...then I somehow end up getting to try it.

That's something I am thankful for this holiday weekend.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Land That I Love

Feels unusual the degree to which I'm thinking about/missing home lately. If nothing else, I know it means I'm due for a trip back.

Perfect that the holidays are just around the corner.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

It's all up to you

A few of my girls from 6th grade.

Whoever it was that said this in my hearing forever ago probably didn't know it would wind up changing my life:

Attitude is a choice.

Saturday, November 19, 2016


When you're reading a writer so good with language that you struggle to stop even though you know your pizza is getting cold...

Even in Spanish, a wordsmith is a wordsmith.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Yummy For The Tummy

Living down here means sometimes disregarding reservations you feel inside
and eating a food dish that days later makes you look up and remark to yourself,
"Hm - I never got sick from that food. Very cool."

A plate like this one wouldn't cause any reservations. I'd pound it down without hesitating!

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Funny The Things You Miss

Small town Alabama was the site of my birth and my formative years. I still have a country boy heart, even though I grew up mostly in the suburbs.

Lately, I've been noticing that when I'm here in Central America, I miss the way some of us small town southerners speak.

With the bilingual Honduran teenagers and adults I speak English with, I tend to keep my speech pretty proper. But the absence of people who are fluent in the "country grammar" that is home for me is something I sometimes feel.

Did you know Honduras is mentioned among the countries most famous for making cigars?

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

It's Yours

One of the directors at my school also owns a fun little local cafe.

"Do you want to come work with me? The position is...
You'd be great. Will be a quick hiring, and I have lots of say in the position."

My old friend sent that note to me today from the midwestern U.S.

It's my 2nd time in two years to receive that type of message, and I can't help feeling excitement at the thought of making a big change and trying something new.

But I can't imagine abandoning my commitment to finish an academic year that's already set.

Also, I believe it's not time for me to be done with Central America just yet.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Wasn't Me

I came to this country two years ago thinking it was because for years, I dreamed of something like this.

Today, I have a different opinion;
I believe God actually struck the desire in my heart...the desire for the Spanish language, to be able to understand it and move comfortably in it.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

We're Not As Big

Thought from today in Honduras:

These kids will put you to shame.

They seem so much bigger on the inside than those of us from back where I'm from.