Monday, October 19, 2015


More and more conversations are pointing out the way modern life often lacks two things that were more commonly experienced in days gone by:
quiet and stillness.

By now, we're all aware that these things give way to our busyness and to our attachment to the technology that is with us constantly due to increased functionality and portability.

A public speaker once pointed out that at any given time, a person today may have at least three or four ongoing conversations in process between face-to-face, wireless internet, and text messaging interactions. Without a doubt, there is quite a bit of information and "noise" steadily washing over us nowadays. And those advocating that we all need a break from it regularly - probably daily - seem to make a good point.

I thought of all this today, realizing that the dreaded detention sessions in my classroom during recess may be the only moment of quiet and stillness some kiddos experience.

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